Saturday, April 4, 2009

Things have been so crazy lately. I've been spending so much time reading all the blogs I follow, I haven't had a chance to update mine.

I've been steadily adding to my preps, my regular freezer (the one on top of the fridge) is so full, when you open it you need to take cover. I'm really hoping to get a small freezer soon, I have a corner in my bedroom all prepared for it, I'll just buy a semi nice table cloth & ..put some pictures on it & voila a "decorative table" LOL.

I've also been picking up canned goods, rice, oats, batteries, TP, paper towels, lamp oil for my new handy dandy lamp (pictured in another post) & water. I use Angel food (where you buy a box of food for $30), I watch their prices carefully to make sure I'm getting a good deal. I like the fact that it comes with shelf stable liquid milk (not the powder, which I will stock up on & mix with liquid eventually, to get my son used to it).

This time next year we should be financially ready to purchase a property without a mortgage. Hopefully before anything major happens (Apartment living stinks for us.)

I'm trying to do some hanging strawberries & tomatoes on our small 2nd floor balcony..any suggestions on where to get these are greatly appreciated. I am also going to try a container of salad greens. The container of soil can't be too heavy, the apartments are old & I don't want my balcony to end up on the 1st floor LOL.

Thank you Kelle for telling me about this site It's very informative as well as entertaining (quite some characters there, but very thoughtful & bright people). I am also in awe of your experience with The Encyclopedia of Country Living, thanks for sharing that, what an awesome life experience.

I'm also trying to stick the blogs I follow on my blog instead of in the dashboard part of the blog...but it seems to want me to enter all the links individually..if anyone knows an easier way to do this...please share.

I'm waiting patiently (impatiently) to purchase property so I can grow some of my own organic food, but meanwhile I use food storage, & prep all I can. I can't wait for those local farmers markets to open....a couple months away.

Last but not least ....things I worry about/question....Korea and its "satellite", the stock market (manipulated or not) ...and if our current country spokesman has too much power, has blinded people by his "rock star/celebrity status", has way too big of an ego ...oh the list could go on. I guess I just should put all my worrying energy into taking care of my family, praying, and leave the questioning to all those experienced political bloggers I read daily.

Sorry so long-winded today...It's been building up.
Thanks for "listening".
Enjoy your day!

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I saw your post about apartment living and growing your own food. I also saw a link to this video on another sweet lady's blog about gardening in a bag. Take a look. It's a short 4 minutes or so it might be the answer you're seeking in the interim while you're waiting for that (mortgage-free!!!) place.
